Where the same questions were asked and like answers given as at the door. Q. A. A. .18); as if they would say--Thus let it be done to him, and thus let his body be cut in two, who shall break this covenant. J. W. (makes the same sign as the Senior Warden.) Second Ruffian--We shall be taken and put to death. W. M.--You will attend to the alarm, and ascertain the cause. The Master silently steps to the east, near the candidate's head, and strikes the hour of low twelve (which is twelve o'clock at night) on a triangle or bell. Masonic symbolism is that which is used to illustrate the principles which Freemasonry espouses. Third Ruffian--Let us secrete ourselves until night and steal a small boat and put to sea. J. W.--Brother Senior Deacon, is he worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared? --No, we have no pass; we did not know it was necessary. 204--5. W. M.--Brethren, the minutes will stand approved, if there are no objections. He was fifty five years young, which is far too young for this sort of thing. After the obligation, what were you asked? The significance of this Degree is. G. It is my orders that strict search be made for him through the apartments of the Temple, and due inquiry made. Ruffian--Give me the secrets of a Master Mason! The Worshipful Master gives three raps with his gavel, which brings the whole Lodge to their feet. The Jewish law had degenerated into a mass of rottenness and corruption:--piety, which planned the Temple at Jerusalem, was expunged; the reverence and adoration due to the Divinity was buried in the filth and rubbish of the world; and religion and morality were scattered to the four winds of heaven. For this purpose the ACACIA was used.--Lexicon. W. M.--You will repeat your name, and say after me: "I, Peter Gabe (Master gives three raps with his gavel, when all present assemble round the altar), of my own free-will and accord, in the presence of Almighty God, and this worshipful Lodge, erected to him and dedicated to the holy Sts. (Moving off, one says:). The Secretary commences to call off a lot of Bible names, to which each brother responds "Here!" The first paragraph of the Obligation is similar in all three degrees and this portion of the Master Mason Obligation was fairly easy for . The beautiful virgin weeping over the broken column denotes the unfinished state of the Temple, likewise the untimely death of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff; the book open before her, that his virtues lay on perpetual record; the sprig of acacia in her right hand, the divinity of the body; the urn in her left, that his ashes were therein safely deposited, under the "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies," of King Solomon's Temple. W. M.--Brother Gabe, you will now take your seat in this Lodge as a Master Mason, after stepping to the Secretary's desk. S. D.--By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission? "Discovering Freemasonry" is an 8-part series presented by Rubicon Masonic Society which is an invitation only private group of Master Mason Freemasons locat. Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge', The Degree Rituals of the Northern As soon as a lodge accepts you, you are an apprentice. THE ceremony of opening and conducting the business of a Lodge of Master Masons is nearly the same as in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Crafts' Degrees, already explained. Seven; one Master and six Entered Apprentices. 7, p. 18--some Masters make this sign twice), accompanied by the following exclamation, viz. W. M.--You will detach your hands and kiss the book. It was to show that my duties and obligations became more and more extended as I advanced in Masonry. S. W.--Brother Junior Warden, it is the orders of the Worshipful Master, &c., &c. J. W.--Brethren, you have heard the orders of the Worshipful Master, as communicated to me through the Senior Warden in the west--you will take notice, and govern yourselves accordingly. Q. 18.) Foot to foot--that you will never hesitate to go on foot, and out of your way, to assist and serve a worthy brother. All eyes are upon the Master. (Gives one rap (), when the Junior Deacon, at the inner door of the Lodge, rises to his feet.) ii. A. that my breast had been torn open, my heart plucked out and placed upon the highest pinnacle of the Temple, there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, ere I had consented to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff.' A blue silk scarf, trimmed with silver, having a blue rosette at the shoulder and hip, is worn from left to right. Third Ruffian, Jubelum, Candidate. Turning to the Senior Warden, he continues: K. S.--My worthy brother of Tyre, I will thank you to endeavor to raise the body by the Fellow Craft's grip. You have this evening represented one of the greatest men, and perhaps the greatest Mason, the world ever knew, viz., our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, who was slain just before the completion of King Solomon's Temple. ii. Besides, when a work is nearly completed, the necessity of Plans and designs ceases altogether. Here are three of the poor fellows with us; we must not go and give them up, to be put to death; rather let us take a northwesterly or a southwesterly course. What! In your present condition, what do you most desire? Answer--We have murdered our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. This could not be done until the construction was . 1. It is done by putting the inside of your right foot to the inside of the right foot of the one to whom you are going to give the word, the inside of your own knee to his, laying your breast close against his, your left hands on each other's back, and each one putting his mouth to the other's right ear. Why had you a cable-tow three times about your naked body? Masonic ritual is the scripted words and actions that are spoken or performed during the degree work in a Masonic lodge. You say they turned back into the country? Charles Franklin "Chuck" Wolfe, CDR USNR(Ret. The Lectures Of The Three Degrees In Craft Masonry. Part 1. Brother Gabe, permit me to call your attention to the last emblem on the carpet--the spade, setting-maul, coffin, grave, and sprig of acacia. King Solomon, being informed of this, supposed him to be indisposed, and ordered strict search to be made for him through the several apartments of the Temple, and due inquiry made; search and inquiry were accordingly made, but he could not be found. Takes the candidate by the "real grip" of a Fellow Craft, and says. "4th. --I have none, Worshipful. The unfinished Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies, of King Solomon's Temple. There was nothing found on or about the body excepting the jewel of his office, by which his body was discovered. THE MM'S BOOK by J.S.M. The Senior Deacon then answers with one rap (), and opens the door. Brother Junior Deacon, the last as well as the first care of Masons, when convened? 113:2 Brother Goodacre, of the Witham Lodge, Lincoln, suggests that the various penalties which have been introduced into Freemasonry appear to have reference to a particular kind of covenant which was common among the Hebrews. What followed? Candidate. degree live in Texas. The Barney "work" is that adopted by the Baltimore Convention. p. 148. Conductor--I cannot; nor can they be given, except in the presence of Solomon, king of Israel, Hiram, king of Tyre, and myself. Sec. The traditional account of the death, several burials, and resurrections of one of the craft, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, as developed in conferring this Degree, is very interesting. Hold up your heads, and hear your sentence. (pdf), Masonry of Adoption: (Masonic Rituals for Women) Conductor--By the pass and token of the pass of a Master Mason. W. M.--Brother Gabe, you will please approach the east. It was, by fifteen Fellow Crafts, who, seeing the Temple about to be completed, and being desirous of obtaining the secrets of a Master Mason, whereby they might travel in foreign countries, work, and receive Master's wages, entered into a horrid conspiracy to extort them from our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, or take his life; but, reflecting with horror on the atrocity of the crime, twelve of them recanted; the other three persisted in their murderous designs. 99:1 The jewels of a Masters' Lodge are suspended from blue velvet collars, bordered and embroidered with silver. that my breast had been torn open, my heart plucked out, and placed upon the highest pinnacle of the Temple, there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, ere I had consented to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. "Further, that I will not give the Grand Masonic word, in any other manner or form than that in which I shall receive it, and then in a low breath. W. M.--Your duty there, Brother Secretary? 124:1 Can any living Mason be simple enough to believe that Dr. Anderson, in his "Defence of Masonry," intended to prove a real historical fact when he explained the exhumation of the body of H. A. Wm. In some Lodges, the brethren on this occasion attire the candidate with a very rich apron and yoke. have compassion on the children of thy creation, administer them comfort in time of trouble, and save them with an everlasting salvation. The three Fellow Crafts who persisted in their murderous designs, knowing this to be his usual practice, placed themselves at the south, west, and east gates of the inner courts of the temple, and there awaited his return. 12, p. 67), and letting his hand slip off quickly, he reports as follows: "Owing to the reason before given, the flesh cleaves from the bone, and the body cannot be so raised.". Are you willing to take the oath? Thus was man formed for social and active life, the noblest part of the work of God; and he that will so demean himself as not to be endeavoring to add to the common stock of knowledge and understanding, may be deemed a drone In the hive of nature, a useless member of society, and unworthy of our protection as Masons. Complete Master Mason Study Guide - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. --O Lord my God, I fear the Master's word is forever lost! The Apron is at once an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason. In a regularly constituted Lodge of Masons. In the mean time, it is hoped and expected that every brother will demean himself as becomes a man and a Mason. --Your duty there, Brother Junior Deacon? Avery Allyn, in Ritual of Freemasonry, explains that this degree originated, according to Masonic tradition, at the building of KST. J. W.--The token is right, and the pass is right. which constitute our authority for affirming that no such event ever happened; for H. A. After taking the obligation, what were you then asked? Conductor here takes off the hoodwink and removes the cable-tow, and all around the altar place their hands in the position of the duegard of a Master Mason. They meet in the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies of King Solomon's Temple.". W. M.--Reading of the present communication. Master, pointing to these pillars, says: "These are called the three grand Masonic columns or pillars, and are designated Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. (The signs are just the same as at opening. W. M.--Brother Senior Warden, have you any alterations or additions to make to the minutes? MASTER MASON, OR THIRD DEGREE. King Solomon, believing him to be indisposed, ordered strict search and due inquiry to be made for him through the several apartments of the Temple, that he might be found, if possible. A. I was conducted three times around the Lodge, to the Junior Warden in the south, where the same questions were asked, and like answers returned as at the door. SPONSORED. Entered Apprentice Handbook. To signify that my duties and obligations become more and more binding as I advance in Masonry. 138:1 Our traditions further say, that the time when this celebrated use went into the H. of H. (Holy of Holies) to offer up his orisons to God, at the hour of H (high) twelve, the Ark of the Covenant had not been removed thither, for that took place at the dedication, after which no one was permitted to enter but the H. P. (High Priest), and he only ours a year, on the great day of expiation, at which time he had a string or belt around his waist, which extended into the court of the tabernacle, that he might be drawn forth from the S. S. (Sanctum Santorum) in case sudden death should occur while he officiated there.--Historical Land-marks, vol. It is neither a proper time nor place; but be true to your engagement, and I will be true to mine. In the character of a Master Mason, you are authorized to correct the errors and irregularities of your uninformed brethren, and to guard them against a breach of fidelity. We are told, if we do not find the ruffians we must be punished--put to death, probably. Attempting to get up, he exclaims, "Hallo! The Master gives one rap with his gavel, when all take their seats except the candidate, who remains standing before the Master, by whom he is addressed as follows: W. M.--Brother Gabe, in closing this Degree, I now give you the following. A. pdf, Grand Lodge of Nevada Master Mason Ritual in But nothing could be seen or heard of him. Ruffians--We will go back and get a pass, if that is the case. (Scottish Rite 1st - 32nd 'Degree' Explanations), 'Masonic Ritual for use by The Most Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, was slain at high twelve. ii. About this time, the twelve Fellow Crafts, who had recanted from their murderous designs, appeared before King Solomon, clothed in white gloves and aprons, in token of their innocence, acknowledging their premeditated guilt, and, kneeling, implored his pardon. Conductor--I did not so receive it, neither can I so impart it. We feel our own feet sliding from the precarious brink on which We stand, and a few more suns, and we will be whelmed neath death's awful wave, to rest in the stilly shades, and darkness Said silence will reign around our melancholy abode. The Master having given the word, which is MAH-HAH-BONE, in low breath, requests the candidate to repeat it with him, which is in this wise: Master telling candidate never to give it in any other way than that in which he has received it. cement which unites us into one sacred band, or society of friends and brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble contention, or rather emulation, of who best can work and best agree. (See Fig. (i.e. A Master Mason has the right to visit lodges throughout the world, sharing in fraternal fellowship with like-minded men who now share a common bond. As they start, the conductor commences to relate to the candidate the following: Conductor--Brother, it was the usual custom of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff (this is the first he hears about Hiram Abiff), to enter into the unfinished "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies," of King Solomon's Temple, each day at high twelve, while the craft were called from labor to refreshment, for the purpose of drawing out his designs upon the trestle-board, whereby the craft might pursue their labors; after which, it was further his custom to offer up his devotions to the Deity. FIG 18. Memory in the lodge. --Advance the token. It is right around 490 words long. . i. If this is the case, you cannot get a passage with me, I assure you. It should be remarked here, that there is a similar column on the Senior Warden's desk, which is always placed in a horizontal position (i.e., turned down on its side) when the Junior Warden's column is up, and vice vers. Third Ruffian--But the rules are as strict in other ports as in this. that my body had been severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I. Ah! Are you a sea-captain? It is very singular, that, a man so celebrated as Hiram Abiff was, universally acknowledged as the third most distinguished man then living, and, in many respects, the greatest man in the world, should pass from off the stage of action, in the presence of King Solomon, three thousand three hundred grand overseers, and one hundred and fifty thousand workmen, with whom he had spent a number of years, and with King Solomon, his bosom friend, without any of his numerous confrres even recording his death, or any thing, A Master Masons' Lodge is styled by the Craft the "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies, of King Solomon's Temple," and when the Lodge is opened on this Degree, both points of the compasses are elevated above the square. Think of these as one-hour-long linked interactive morality plays, rather than magical or religious ceremonies. That which was lost, which, by my endeavors and his assistance, I was in hope to find. What have we done? The highest degree that can be obtained in Freemasonry is the Master Mason Degree. BRETHREN KNEELING AT PRAYER AROUND THE GRAVE OF HIRAM ABIFF, THE WIDOW'S SON. (See Note P, page 272. A. Jubelum!!!" Some Lodges sing the following, to the air of "Bonny Doon"; BRETHREN:--You are now about to quit this sacred retreat of friendship and virtue, to mix again with the world. Degree, Holy Royal I was conducted three times about the alter, to the Junior Warden in the South, the Senior Warden in the West, and the Master in the East. They buried it in the rubbish of the Temple until low twelve, or twelve at night, when they met by agreement and carried it a westerly course from the Temple, to the brow of a hill west of Mount Moriah, where they buried it in a grave dug due east and west, six feet perpendicular, at the head of which they planted an acacia, in order to conceal it, and that the place might be known, should occasion ever require; and then made their escape. 130.). The following appears to be the proper way:--After the candidate gets up from the altar, the conductor should lead him from the altar direct to the Junior Warden's station in the south. (See grand hailing sign of distress, Fig. Amen. ), A. ii. After saluting the Wardens, what did you first discover? W. M.--If you are satisfied it is high twelve, you will erect your column, and call the craft from labor to refreshment, for the space of thirty minutes (or fifteen minutes, as the case may be), calling them in at the sound of the gavel. You are now bound by duty, honor, and gratitude, to be faithful to your trust; to support the dignity of your character on every occasion; and to enforce, by precept and example, obedience to the tenets of the Order. With the flap and corners turned down, which is to distinguish him as a Master Mason, or an overseer of the work. Masonic degrees are rites of initiation that teach lessons of honor, morality, and virtue. 1971 Masons Authorized Or KJV Holy Bible Red Letter Master Reference Edition . Captain--The sooner the better! Another says: "What course shall we pursue? that my body had been severed in two, my bowels taken from thence, and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I. Ah! 18.) The drawers are rolled up just above the candidate's knees, and both arms are taken out of his shirt-sleeves, leaving his legs and breast bare. The Master either reads or repeats the following from a Monitor, which by many is committed to memory; but when he has the "work" (i.e., that part which is not monitorial), it is not necessary that he should commit to memory what is called the Master's carpet of emblems, but as it is a part of the initiation of the Third Degree, the author proposes to give it in its regular order of Lodge business. As soon as the craftsman has finished this report, another party arrives with the ruffians, and reports as follows: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, while sitting down to rest and refresh ourselves, we heard the following horrid exclamations from the clefts of the adjacent rocks. ), passed peacefully at home on the morning of February 24, 2023. Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee; thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass; turn from him that he may rest, till he shall accomplish his day. further light in Masonry, by being raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason. . Q. 299-300. The apron is white, lined and bordered with blue. What is the meaning of this? W. M. (two raps, all the officers rise to their feet.) No three States in the Union "work" alike. Second Craftsman--The very fellows of whom we are in pursuit. Conductor. Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, who was slain just before the completion of King Solomon's Temple. A. How many constitute a Fellow Crafts' Lodge? By this time they have got near the candidate (who is still lying on the floor, rolled up in the canvas), when one of the party sits down near his head, and at the same time says: "Well, brothers, I am very weary; I must sit down and rest before I can go any farther.". (They all kneel.). The Master, stepping back one pace, now says: "Brother Gabe, you have now received that grand Masonic word, which you have solemnly sworn never to give in any other way or form than that in which you have received it, which is on the five points of fellowship, and then in low breath. They roll the canvas around and over the candidate where he fell, which is in the east or northeast corner of the Lodge, and, for a few moments, retire, when the Lodge becomes still as the hour of midnight; not a sound is permitted to be made; all go--if at all--from place to place on tiptoe. oftheStateofMaine!!!! Why do you think a cartoonist might create a very thin character with a huge hat. In a just and lawfully constituted Lodge of Master Mason. The three Symbolic Lodge degreesespecially for the Entered Apprentice and the Master Masonwere particularly considered to be individual and deeply personal experiences. It is, in fact, not a word, but merely a jumble of letters, forming a sound without meaning." The brother who has acted the part of sea-captain now takes his station at the door again, when these Fellow Crafts approach him in the west. 1. --Nothing, Worshipful. --The Freemason's Treasury, p. 213. 19 watching. information, I shall have found him or them justly. Jubela!! This Master Mason Quiz may be used by any member of the Lodge who seeks more light. 40.) He begins in a State of Degree, Order of Royal and Select Masters, Super-Excellent Master (See Fig. The Master approaching me from the East, under the due guard and sign of a Master Mason, who in token of the further continuance of his brotherly love and friendship, presented me his right hand, and with it the pass and token of the pass of a Master Mason; and bade me to arise and salute the Wardens as such. 6, p. 18), and says: S. D.--Brother Gabe, who has been regularly initiated Entered Apprentice, passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft, and now wishes to receive further light in Masonry, by being raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason. They returned and bore this information to King Solomon, who ordered them to disguise themselves and travel as before, with positive instructions to find the ruffians and with as positive assurance that, if they did not, they twelve should he deemed the murderers, and suffer severely for the crime committed. What I purpose, that I perform. right hand in token of friendship and brotherly love, and invested me with the grip and word, ordered. K. S.--You twelve Fellow Crafts will now go and assist in raising the body. At high twelve. The Higher Degrees Handbook. (See page 247.). "Further, that I will always aid and assist all poor, distressed, worthy Master Masons, their widows and orphans, knowing them to be such, as far as their necessities may require, and my ability permit, without material injury to myself and family. (See Note Q, Appendix.). You will remember in whom you put your trust, with that divine assurance, that "he who endureth unto the end, the same shall be saved." Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, having finished his usual exercises, attempted to retire at the south gate, where he was accosted by Jubela, who thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master Mason, or the Master's word; and, on being refused, gave him a blow with the twenty-four-inch gauge across the throat, upon which he fled, and attempted to pass out at the west gate, where he was accosted by Jubelo, who, in like manner, thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master Mason, or the Master's word; and, on his being refused, gave him a blow with a square across his breast, upon which he fled, and attempted to make his escape out at the east gate, where he was accosted by Jubelum, who, in like manner, thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master .Mason, or the Master's word: and, on his being refused, gave him a violent blow with a setting-maul, on his forehead, which felled him dead on the spot. Treasurer--(See opening ceremony, p. When the candidate is fully dressed, the door is unceremoniously thrown open, and he, in company with others, is permitted to enter the Lodge. Prop. Remember that you have promised to befriend and relieve every brother, who shall need your assistance; you have promised to remind him, in the most friendly manner, of his errors, and, if possible, to aid him in a reformation. Is there no hope for the widow's son? Freemasonry, the teachings and practices of the fraternal (men-only) order of Free and Accepted Masons, the largest worldwide secret societyan oath-bound society, often devoted to fellowship, moral discipline, and mutual assistance, that conceals at least some of its rituals, customs, or activities from the public (secret societies do not necessarily conceal their membership or existence). S. W.--In order that I might travel in foreign countries, work, and receive Master's wages, being better enabled to support myself and family, and contribute to the relief of worthy distressed Master Masons, their widows and orphans. When the candidate is prepared, the Deacon takes him by the left arm, leads him up to the door of the Lodge, and gives three loud, distinct knocks. The motives of emigrants were various - to work (or alternatively not to work), to escape an old society or build a new one, to acquire riches, or, as early colonists in New England expressed it, to secure a 'competencie'5 - but they all faced the same challenge of moving from the known to the unknown, and of coming to terms with an . "1st. "Here another guest we bring. Be diligent, prudent, temperate, discreet. At the usual report, preceded by an inquiry involving the best interests of Masonry, the brethren are again reminded what is the chief care of a Mason. it was I that struck him harder than you both; it was I that gave him the fatal blow; it was I that killed him.' The Senior Warden then takes the candidate's right hand, giving the real grip of a Fellow Craft (see Fig. Herod, and Pilate. The Master should instruct the candidate (and he generally does) how to make the signs before he gets up from the altar, after taking the obligation. Ruffian--This (shaking candidate) does not satisfy me! The Pot of Incense, the Beehive. The Worshipful Master gives one rap with his gavel, when all the brethren retire to their seats, leaving at the altar the Master, conductor, and candidate. sign of an Entered Apprentice, who presented his. it. S. W.--The candidate is in order, Worshipful, and awaits your further will and pleasure. Second Ruffian, Jubelo, generally the S. W. in the west. As Masons, we understand the moral lessons derived from the square. . It was his usual practice at high twelve, while the Craft were called from labor to refreshment, to enter into the unfinished Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies of the Temple, and there to offer up his adorations to Deity, and there to draw his designs on the trestle-board. ", "Oh! Now, as in p. 138 the former case, this arrangement would be impossible before the pillars were erected or the Middle Chamber built: and if it he pretended that any such plan was adopted after they were finished, the tragic drama could not be true because it professes to have been enacted before the Temple was completed.
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